Expanding Your Potential with Dr. Derashay Zorn

Episode 5 . 00:00

Kingdom Strategist, Blueprint Builder, and Spiritual Midwife Dr. Derashay Zorn is an international

mentor and expert on the art of unleashing purpose, developing dreams, and expanding untapped

potentials within individuals, corporations, and ministries. Her passion for information technology has

led her to obtain a Master of Science degree in Information System Management which equipped her to

specialize in analyzing, developing and managing systems to birth or expand individuals and entities

into the next dimension of kingdom implementation.

Mrs. Zorn has been an intricate part of community collaboration through bridging the gap between

community entities. Derashay believes in building stronger communities through encouraging,

empowering, and educating families. Mrs. Zorn has held various leadership positions within the community

and has extensive work in nonprofit organizations. Derashay has been involved in, but not limited to, non-

profit startups, technology analysis and implementation, online education platform design, implementation,

and development, as well as establishing curriculums and training programs. In addition to being a wife,

mother, pastor, entrepreneur; consultant, empowerment speaker, mentor, and friend.

As an overcomer of a chaotic life to an extraordinary life, Derashay has been given the first-hand

experience on how a life of principles can rearrange and position one’s life to fulfill their purpose. Her

ability to overcome through the application of God’s word has been the birthing grounds for Divine Order

Restoration Ministries (D.O.R.M.) International, where God mandated her in October 2007 to “Restore

the Order of God One Life, One Body, and One Nation at a Time.” For such a time as this God has sent

her forth to release Kingdom Strategies that will empower, educate, equip and employ individuals into a

greater dimension within their destiny.

At the age of 10, she gave her life to the Lord and was baptized at Central Holiness Church under

Pastor Calvin Colquitt, Sr. Three years later Derashay quit church, vowing never to return. However,

because she is craved in the hand of God and nothing could take her away from Him. Mrs. Zorn, found

herself rededicating her life back to the Lord on May 10, 2005, at Greater New Light Missionary Baptist

Church (GNLMBC), under Pastor, Dr. Leland L. Jones. After, humbling herself under the hand of God,

Derashay finally accepted her call and delivered her train sermon on September 30, 2009, at GNLMBC and

was licensed by Dr. Jones. Mrs. Zorn served at Greater New Light Missionary Baptist Church as an

associate minister, children’s church coordinator, women’s day chair and various other capacities. In May

2011, she was released under God’s instructions and concurred by her Pastor to go and build the ministry

that God had placed in her.

As God led her in the land, He opened many doors for her to cultivate and build D.O.R.M International.

On April 21, 2013, Mrs. Zorn, found herself, being ordained at GNLMBC by her Pastor, Dr. Leland L.

Jones and the ordination council of ministers to go and serve as the 1st Friday Associate Pastor at Reaps

of Joy Outreach and Deliverance Ministries in Decatur, Ga. under Apostle Henderson. In 2016, she

received a certificate of Theology from Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) in Atlanta, GA,

with a Ph.D. in the School of the Holy Ghost, God has used Derashay to minister and train His children

nationally and internationally in personal and professional development in Christ since 2011. In addition to

building, birthing and expanding individuals, ministries, and businesses for the Kingdom of God. Now, through Kingdom Strategies University® and her School of Vision Bootcamp, she teaches

others how to maximize their potential and monetize their gifts and talents as a critical vehicle for

fulfilling their purpose, making a significant impact and branding influence that can instantly and

beautifully change the world. To maximize the efforts in expanding others into their destiny, Derashay has

released her book and workbook titled “Abortions In the Church: Divine Strategies to Spiritual

Deliverance” to help others overcome oppositions that are hindering them from giving birth to their

purpose, visions, dreams, goals, desires, etc. Mrs. Zorn is on a mission to expand the market reach and

income potential over the next 12 months for 1000 authors through her global brand School of

Authorpreneur®. This is an intense training and development program for authors that is an extension to

her soon to be released book, Write Like an Author, Think Like an Entrepreneur and Get Paid like

an Authorpreueur: Developing a Multiple Stream of Income Mindset and Playbook for Authors.

Her philosophy is “A critical tool for self-development is learning how to cultivate, build and

release others into their destinies.”

Here to release strategies and revelations to unlock the Kingdom within you, please welcome

Kingdom Strategist, Dr. Derashay Zorn.

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